Turkish delights

Lokum (granatno jabolko, pistacija, vrtnica)
(Pomegranate, pistachio, rose)
Večina sladic v Turčiji je zelooo sladkih. Žele ''bonbone'' podobne srbskemu ratluku Turki turistom prodajajo pod imenom Turkish Delight (turško: lokum). Poleg lokuma je še veliko dobrih sladic, ki jih je vredno poskusiti ob obisku Turčije. Tukaj je nekaj mojih najljubših:

Most of turkish desserts are very sweet. In many tourist shops you can find so called ''Turkish Delight'' (turkish: lokum) - kind of very sweet jelly candy. Besides lokum there are much more very good but very sweet desserts you must try while visiting Turkey. Here are some of my favourites:

Čokoladna baklava
Chocolate baklava

Kje v Istanbulu prodajajo najboljše baklave?
To je seveda odvisno od okusa, ampak večina se strinja da ene izmed najboljših baklav prodajajo v Karaköyu, blizu Galatskega mosta in pristanišča v restavraciji Gülluoglu. Poleg baklav imajo tudi odličen burek in druge sladice.

Where are best baklavas in Istanbul?
Most people agree that one of the best baklavas are sold in restaurant Gülluoglu in Karaköy, close to Galata bridge and port. Besides good baklavas they also have good börek and other desserts. 

There are many kinds and tastes of lokum. Most common are fruit and nuts one as well as mix of fruits and nuts. Lokum is kind of a very sweet jelly candy. For many people it's too sweet, that's why some producers are sweetening lokum with honey and not with sugar. There are many good lokum shops in Istanbul and in Turkey. My favourite (so far) lokum shop in Istanbul is in Ortaköy and they are also selling honey lokum.
Künefe s pistacijo

Künefe is kind of unusual type of dessert: it's made of fried kadayıf (it looks like very thing spaghetti) and filled with cheese.

Afiyet olsun!

(P.S.: What is your favourite turkish dessert and where can we try it? Comments are welcome)

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