Street snacks - Ulični prigrizki

On the streets of Istanbul you can literally buy anything! Among others, there are also a lot of food sellers...and cheap one :) While visiting Istanbul you can afford a lot of snacks (cold or hot) for less than 5TL (2€). Here is part of the ''street menu'':


Na istanbulskih ulicah zares lahko kupiš karkoli! Med drugim je veliko  tudi prodajalcev hrane...poceni hrane. Topel ali hladen prigrizek lahko poješ že za 5TL (2€) ali manj! Tukaj je del ''uličnega menuja'':

Street seller in front of Hagia Sofia.
Ulični prodajalec pred Hgio Sofio.

Simit (Circle chaped bread with sesame; ''okrogel'' rogljič s sezamom)

Kestane (chestnuts; kostanj)- you can find hot chestnuts all year around.
Pečenega kostanja ne prodajajo le pozimi, ampak celo leto!

Mısır (corn; koruza) The sellers of corn are occupying all main touristic spots and they will try to sell you cooked or baked one.
Prodajalci koruze ''okupirajo'' vse pomembnejše turistične točke. Prodajajo kuhano in pečeno koruzo (veliko ceneje kot so jo na Trnfestu.. )

Fruit sellers (watermelon and melon) are really ripping off tourists! The piece of watermelon or melon can be 2 or 3 times more expensive than whole melon in any supermarket nearby.
Prodajalci sadja (lubenic in melon) dobesedno obirajo turiste. Kos lubenice je lahko 2x do 3x dražji od cele lubenice.

Nohut pilav (rice with chicken; riž s piščancem)

Midye (mussel; užitna klapavica) is a mussel filled with rice and poured over with the lemon juice. Lemon juice is very important ingredient in turkish cuisine, they use it also as salad dressing and poure it into some soups. Midye might not look very tasty snack (especially if you also think about how long the mussels are exposed to sun), but it's not bad either. It's a popular after party snack.
Midye je užitna klapavica polnjena z rižem in prelita z limoninim sokom. Limonin sok je pomembna sestavina v turški kuhinji, uporablja tudi kot preliv za solate in dodatek k nekaterim juham. Morda se midye ne zdi ravno okusen prigrizek (še posebej, ko pomislimo koliko časa pravzaprav stoji na soncu), ampak slab pa tudi ni. Istanbulčani školjke pogosto jejo, ko se vračajo z zabav.

Nar-Pomegranate-Granatno jabolko
Among drinks you can find a lot of çay (tea) sellers- especially next to touristic places, at the sea avenues and in the parks. Popular are also fresh juices, especially orange in pomegranate.

Na ulicah seveda prodajajo tudi pijače. Çay seveda ne sme manjkati, zato lahko prodajalce čaja vidite tako ob pomembnih turističnih točkah, kot v parki in na sprehajališčih ob morju. Pogosti pa so tudi prodajalci svežih sadnih sokov- še posebej pomarančnega in sok granatnega jabolka. 

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